Maruti Swift Dzire – Being Test Driven in Water


Hi all!

Take a look at this car……Maruti Swift Dzire Test Drive in Water

Can you guess which car is this? This is Maruti Swift DZire, taking a dip during a test drive in Manglore.  Today morning while surfing the net I came across this news story on dzire on many sites. So just sharing it with you-

It’s a common test-driving practice to attack a corner a bit aggressively and “see what she can do.” A swan dive was the answer a driver in India received from a four-door Suzuki/Maruti Swift DZire during a test session. The car skidded out of control, hit a large rock, and then tumbled into the Shambhavi River. The attempt to emulate the Amphicar wound up more like an impression of Alvin, unfortunately. All four occupants were injured and ended up in the hospital, while the car itself appears to be a total loss upon its winching to shore. Reckless driving has been cited as the cause. We wonder if driver training in India is as dismal as here in the United States, and judging from the looks of the car, we’re inclined to think that the injuries were due to a lack of seatbelt use.”


Look how it came out…..

Maruti Swift Test Drive in river

Maruti Swift DZire test drive in river


So, please be careful while driving. Or you might just end up in a swimming in a river.

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~ by gizmoghost on April 14, 2008.

23 Responses to “Maruti Swift Dzire – Being Test Driven in Water”

  1. Dear all
    I am a proud possessor of a new dzire . the car is fabulous . but these pictures of car taking a holy dip has scared me a bit . actually , i have observed that at speeds above hundred ,when brakes are applied in dzire , the car swivels dangerously and goes out of control . one of the acquantainces is also facing similar problem. the problem has vanished after getting new alloy wheels.anyone else with similar issues…….

  2. yes i m suffering with d same problem
    want to talk to u abt tyres
    can u sms or call me at 09888637766

  3. Ya I got my Dzire a month back and has run 600 Kms and out which it did a U turn once (like in action movies!!!) and skid from one end to other end of road other time. Luckyly there was no damage to the car.
    I dont understand why Maruti has compromised on the passenger safety with those crappy tyres
    Please advise what tyres/alloys did you choose

  4. i have driven 200 kms yet
    havent faced such problem yet.. but brakes make noise when applied harsh…
    and i find lessp ower in second gear

  5. Hi,
    I just bought 15″ prestige alloys and 195 sized Goodyear Eagle tyres. Now when driving down the toll road I can feel the difference in the road grip and stability of the car. I guess it is Maruti’s cheap tactics that people buy the top model. If any one realized they did not give the much needed de-fogger on the rear windscreen in the Ldi or even the Vdi models.

  6. I used to face similar problems in my Swift after which I switched the tires to 195 profile on the same 14″ rims and they did a lot of difference on high speeds and breaking also.
    Later I had changed to 15″ 205 profile tires with alloys and they were good.
    I have booked my Dzire but the waiting period is for 3months. I have also retained the alloys and will be getting 195/50 R15 tires for the Dzire as 205/55 tires were a bit hard on the road

  7. please call me i have faced similar problem.. pls call me and help me how u solved the problem about skiding as i have faced a similar problem and met with a major accident ….. 99863 87951 ajith,,

  8. i have booked a dezire VDI ,heard oil burning out in 1000 km , pls inform anyone this issue???? iam upset after hearing this .pls help me

  9. I am also planning to buy swift dzire in Feb 2011. is it true that there is a problem in break system of Dzire.
    pls advice

  10. if you are driving on city roads the current system of tyre is OK. but if you are on the toll road or highway then move to alloy wheels. its more advisable.

  11. pls suggest me whether i should buy d current dezire swift vdi or i should wait for the new launch.
    do u have any expected time 4 d launch

  12. even i faced a similar prob with my 5 month old dzire when i was returning from ahmedabad to navi mumbai, i met with an accident at 110km/hr, the brakes actually ddnt work leading to accident .

  13. arjojogj rjofj ogjwof ljoljoljef odjodfjfowf odfjwofjwof eruiowo uweourow urowruo oufowfuo ourowuowt ourowuwo urruou owruowuwo ruwouwo

  14. maruti

  15. This happened in mangalore. and the driver doesnt knw to drive. thts the fact

  16. dont beleive cars…..

  17. i am planning to buy santro zing 2009-2011 model.

  18. Please Drive Safe….Awesome Car..!!! 🙂

  19. ohhhhhhhhhhh shit hw does it happpen stupibly

  20. no all is fake

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